
Mittwoch, 12. Oktober 2011

Whiff of Joy Challenge # 115 - anything but Square

Hi everyone! Hope you had a wonderful week so far. Mine was a bit busy, but will have two days off now which I am looking forward to very much.

Today we have a new challenge over at Whiff of Joy Challenges. This fortnight we want to see


I created a card in the shape of a cloud which I think is perfect for cutie Henry riding an aerplane :o). I hadn't a template for it, just made it by myself. I covered the inside of the card with a tiny bit smaller white cloud. It got more a clean and simple card. But I thought adding something else would be too much here. A bit unusual for me :o)

We are sponsored by Whiff of Joy with a fabulous prize of 15 % off your next order at the Whiff of Joy Store. What a perfect prize to grab all those gorgeous new stamps Katharina has in store.

5 Kommentare:

  1. fabulous card karina.i love the fab shape and the image and colours are gorgeous :D

    xx coops xx

  2. Hi Karina,
    What a lovely shaped card, I love the way you have made the template yourself and this little fellow in his plane is coloured brilliantly, as always, Hugs, Teresa x

  3. FAbulous design, Karina!! What a great idea to make a cloud shape with this iamge and I love the streaming banner!! Hugs, Juliexx

  4. Jeh, dääää hani au und find en genauso cool wie mini 2 flugibegeistertä Jungs :) Tolli Idee mit dere Charte in wulcheform und dene Love-Fähnli hinderher! Bin wieder mal sehr inspiriert vo Dine Werk... Liebsti & warm ipäckleti Grüessli usem trochne Sofa-Eggä, Angie
