
Donnerstag, 5. Juli 2012

My Working Desk

Hi my dear friends and visitors. Today I have something different for you to take a look at. I already saw some of your working desks now and then, and I just love to see where others create. So I thought I make a picture of my desk as well, where I am sitting as well right now... :o). 

Well, I have two desks, this one and another a bit larger one. The idea was one computer desk and one crafting desk. But I mostly sit here on the computer desk to create. I prefer this place as it is just in front of the window and therefore much brighter. And as my computer is quite slow I can do something in between than just waiting another site loaded... Have to get a new pc soon... 

On my photo you can see two of my three beloved furry friends. The one on the left is Jeremy, the senior with his 16 years. The one lying is Nino, a 1,5 years young Maine Coon. His little sis is living with us as well, she is Leilani, but not to see on the photo. I mostly have at least one of my darlings lying on my desk... :o). 

Under the desk and on the left side you can see my paper storage.

Well, my desk is mostly in a mess like you can see. It even happened to be more worse... yikes. 

Have a wonderful day!
Hugs, Karina

6 Kommentare:

  1. Das Foto ist so cool.
    Aber immerhin hast Du Hilfe beim basteln.

    Gruß BAstelfeti

  2. Awwwwlook at those cats awww they obviously love your work too lol, have a great evening hunnie xxx

  3. Love your crafting Kitties!! Hugs, Juliexx

  4. Ich lach mich krumm!!!! Bei uns ist es auch so mit meinen Katzen.Immer auf dem Arbeitstisch (ich hab auch 2 Tische) und die sitzen/liegen immer mittendrin... Es KANN nicht anders sein.
    Wusste gar nicht dass Du auch 3 Katzen hast. Ahhh toll!!! :-))

  5. das find ich super :o) Bi mir isch au immer e Chatz ume (Bailey will ja schliesslich wüsse vo was sie denn uf em Blog schriibt) und es Ghetto hani au immer...wenn Bsuech chunt go brunche ruum ich amel vorher guet uf! :o)
    Ganz es liebs Grüessli
    PS: ich freu mich denn uf de Doodle ;o))))

  6. Hahaha... der best bewachteste Basteltisch der Welt :) Da können Siegfried und Roy mit ihren Tiegern ja gleich einpacken! Find ich super süss, dass Du dieses Bild zeigst. Jetzt weiss ich wo Du die fantastischen Kolorationen kreierst. Liebi Grüäss,
