Samstag, 23. Juni 2012

New Sweet Pea Stamps Candy

This post will stay on the top of my blog until the 23th June. Please scroll down to see the new posts with the creations I made! Thank you!

Hi everyone! As promised I am opening a new candy. How great is this!! You have the possibility to win a special sheet from Sweet Pea Stamps you can see below. Who cannot use those cute cakes stamps with sentiments. They are perfect for so many occasions.

Why a new candy? Well, I just hit 600 followers this week what makes me very happy! I love so much when you like my blog and what I create. Each comments you write me is so much apprechiated and is what makes me going on creating cards and projects. What would it be without all of you! So this is a THANK YOU candy for all of my followers and those who want to be.

Cupcakes and Presents (Plate 31)

So, what do you have to do to get the chance to win... 
  • Become a follower of my blog if you aren't already
  • Put my candy to the sidebar of your blog 
  • Add your info's to inlikz below, just click the blue froggy
  • Write me in a comment what's your fave technique or style in creating cards or projects.
  • Candy only blogs will be removed from the list!
The candy is open until the 23th June 2012.
I will announce the winner on the 24th June. Now I wish you luck! 

20 Kommentare:

flatis stempelwelt hat gesagt…
Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.
flatis stempelwelt hat gesagt…

Hallo Karina,
auch wenn man als erste erfahrungsgemäß kein Glück hat, so versuche ich es trotzdem, einer muss ja den Anfang machen....
Ich gestalte meine Karten gerne fröhlich frech oder auch Shabby....
LG Sonja xx

enrica hat gesagt…

Hi Karina!! thank's for this chance!!!! i hope to win!!!hugs from Enrica

Cathi hat gesagt…

Hi Karina -
I just discovered your blog and it is fabulous! I just became your newest follower and added a pix on my sidebar. Thanks for the chance to win this awesome candy!

Ardilla hat gesagt…

This is a nice candy.
My favorite way of doing cards is CAS style, about techique, I love coloring with acuarelable pencils. Lately I've lost my mojo, but I almost about to re-start crafting... I am feeling better!
Thanks for the chance with your candy :)

fusiafscrapping hat gesagt…

Thanks for the chance to win your fab candy!
I don't have fave style in creating cards but I like grunge and romantic style the most. It depends on my mood.

Sonia hat gesagt…

Thanks Karina,for another chance to win your beautiful candy:)
Big hug,

Kicki hat gesagt…

Thanks for the chance to win -you´re so generous!!
Count me in! :)

xoxo Kicki

Sabine hat gesagt…

Danke für die tolle Chance zu gewinnen.
Mein Lieblingsstyle ist wohl niedliche Motive, aber ich probier auch immer gern was neues aus. :-)

A Casa di Ale hat gesagt…


Tindaloo hat gesagt…

Thanks for a chance to win your sweetpea candy :) I'm a follower and have linked up your candypic on my blog
My fave technique is distressing! I distress 99% of the stuff I create ~ and I also love to watercolor and play with misc. Tim Holtz tips ~ have u seen his video tutorials? Awesome! :)

Nikki hat gesagt…

YUMMY YUMMY candy thanks for the chance. I'm thinking my fave style is a really good coloured card seeing I love looking at the images that people do your Mouse one below is adorable with all those little extra details. I just love looking at how people colour in their images and how big of a variety there is from one image to the next. So I'm all over with choices of styles but then aren't we all :) thanks for the chance hugs Nikki C

Leanne hat gesagt…

My favorite style of crafting is recycling & making CAS cards. Thanks for another opportunity to win.

Claudia hat gesagt…

I'm a new scrapper so I still don't have a favorite style.
thanks fot the chance to win!!!

LeslieT hat gesagt…

Thanks so much for the chance to win! I'm a new follower and I love your blog. Your work is amazing! I've posted your candy with a link back to your post on my left sidebar under my Candy Bar! I am a Spellbinders junkie and use some sort of die cut on almost every card I create. I also love CAS cards. Thanks again!

Yvette hat gesagt…

Thanks for the chance to win this great candy! My favorite way of creating cards is CAS Style.

mapowska hat gesagt…

Hi, congratulations on 600 followers :)
Thank you for the candy!

I am not sure if I have a favourite technique... I like cards with coloured stamps and also made from diecuts from craft machines (e.g. Cuttlebug).


♥ Sonja Bekker ♥ hat gesagt…

Hi Karina,

Thank you for a little change on winning these lovely stamps set.
I have a little vintage ,shabby,wee
love lots of variety,but what mine is
mm little of everything:)

Great day and congrats on so much followers
Hugs Sonja

Marina hat gesagt…

Grazie per opportunita.Ora incrocio le dita e aspetto.Complimenti per il blog!

Felis_bunte_Welt hat gesagt…

Ein tolles Candy und deshalb möchte ich auch mein Glück versuchen.
Ich gestalte meine Karten gerne mit niedlich Motiven und bin für alle Kartenformen offen.
